Three Easy Ways to Reduce Inflammation

Everyone experiences inflammation at one time or another. When you sprain your ankle, get a sliver or break a bone, the tissue around the area swells up, turns red and sends blood and antibodies to the area to protect it. That’s really all inflammation is, the body’s response to trauma.

So what if the “trauma” isn’t related to getting hurt or injured? What if the trauma is unseen, like an autoimmune disease, chronic virus, or a food allergy? The body’s inflammatory response presents itself differently in these cases. You may feel stiffness in your joints, digestive pain, aching muscles, tiredness, anxiety or irritability.

Whatever it may be that is causing your inflammatory symptoms, there are some ways that you can combat the effects of inflammation in your body and live a more comfortable life.

1) Eat more anti-inflammatory foods.

The Mediterranean Diet is one of the best anti-inflammatory diets. It is rich in colorful fruits and vegetables, offers healthy fats found in fish, olive oil, and avocados, and emphasizes whole grains. Some anti-inflammatory spices include ginger and turmeric.

2) Eat fewer inflammatory foods.

Sugar, gluten, processed foods, and trans-fats are highly inflammatory. It is best to stay away from these as much as possible. Other no-no foods include anything with high-fructose corn syrup and white flour.

3) Manage your stress.

When our bodies are under too much stress and strain, the result is inflammation. It is so important to find ways to bring your stress level down every single day. Some ideas include meditation, mindfulness, yoga, massage, biofeedback, etc. We also have stress reducing tinctures and supplements that can help relieve the strain of stress on your body.

Whatever you try, the point is to do something that brings you joy every day. Whether it’s a moment of solitude, a hot bath, a short walk, or even just getting an extra hour of sleep at night, it is so important to do the small things that tell your body that you care for it.

Reduce inflammation by eating well and taking care of your body. Small changes can make a big impact! After a short while, it is incredible how much better you will feel after you kick out some old habits and make some new ones. We are here for you if you ever need support!

-In Good Health,

Your Aspire Team


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