


Imagine a doctor’s appointment where you are the focus, not your illness.

Integrative Medicine and Functional Naturopathic Approach in Kaysville Utah

The provider takes time to listen to your history, and with it your trauma, your pain, and hope for the future. You are heard, understood, and cared for like family.

This is what you will find here. Welcome to Aspire and the office of Dr. Allison Brumley. We follow a functional medicine model, where each patient is given a specialized treatment plan based on his or her individual needs. 

The goal of functional medicine is to take a deep look into blood labs to find root causes of your symptoms, offer you solutions that are less-invasive than prescription drugs and surgery, and partner with you as you navigate a new lifestyle. Often this new lifestyle includes dietary and movement changes, and we have the support system you will need to navigate your journey to wellness.


Whole Body Approach

There are so many factors that influence our overall health. Disease symptoms don’t just “show up” for no reason. Environmental toxins, the food we eat, personal trauma, and other influences affect our body’s normal function and can lead to sickness and disease.

That is why our practitioners view patients as a combination of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual elements. Our belief is that as we treat the entire person, not just the physical body, our patients will not only feel better, but will also thrive and find more joy in life.


Natural and Less Invasive than Conventional Medicine

Natural / Less Invasive

The conventional medicine model is to list symptoms and find a medication that will suppress that symptom. If a medication isn’t available or indicated for your illness, then often surgery is the only option.

In contrast, our clinic utilizes both modern discoveries as well as the wisdom of the ancients as we strive to help you bring your body back into balance. We offer a multitude of natural treatment options when creating a wellness plan for our patients. Some of these include dietary changes, nutritional supplementation, IV therapy, acupuncture, bodywork, herbal medicine, hormone restoration, and homeopathic remedies. 

Your body has the capacity to heal. Sometimes it just needs a little extra support to function at its best.


Equal Partners At Aspire Integrative Medicine

Equal Partners

We consider our doctor-patient relationship as a partnership. Your input is as valuable as ours as we work together to find the solutions that fit your lifestyle. We give a little, you give a little, and those efforts are rewarded with great results. 

We hope to empower you to take the knowledge we share and put it into practice. Changing your health can be as simple as changing your habits, and we are here to support you every step of the way.


What’s the difference between functional medicine, integrative medicine, and naturopathic medicine?

  • Functional Medicine determines how and why illness occurs and restores health by addressing the root causes of disease for each individual. 

    The functional medicine model is an individualized, patient-centered, science-based approach that empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness. It requires a detailed understanding of each patient’s genetic, biochemical, and lifestyle factors and leverages that data to direct personalized treatment plans that lead to improved patient outcomes.

    By addressing the root cause, rather than symptoms, practitioners become oriented to identifying the complexity of disease. They may find one condition has many different causes and, likewise, one cause may result in many different conditions. As a result, functional medicine treatment targets the specific manifestations of disease in each individual. -From IFM.org

  • Integrative medicine is a form of medical therapy that combines practices and treatments from alternative medicine with conventional medicine. Integrative medicine looks at the person from all aspects, mind, body and soul. Treatments include both conventional practices and therapies as well as alternative science-based and evidence-based practices. Functional medicine falls under the umbrella of integrative medicine. It is appealing to those who haven’t found the right answers and treatments using the conventional medicine model only. 

  • Naturopathic Medicine combines the wisdom of nature with the rigors of modern science. Naturopathic physicians are trained as primary care providers who diagnose, treat and manage patients with acute and chronic conditions, while addressing disease and dysfunction at the level of body, mind and spirit.

    They concentrate on whole patient wellness through health promotion and disease prevention, attempting to find the underlying cause of the patient’s condition. Naturopathic physicians care for patients of all ages and genders. They provide individualized evidence-informed therapies that balance the least harmful and most effective approaches to help facilitate the body’s inherent ability to restore and maintain optimal health.

    — From AANCP.org


    I dedicate myself to the service of humanity as a practitioner of the art and science of Naturopathic medicine.

    I will honor my teachers and all who have preserved and developed this knowledge and dedicate myself to supporting the growth and evolution of Naturopathic medicine.

    I will endeavor to continually improve my abilities as a healer through study, reflection, and genuine concern for humanity.

    I will impart knowledge of the advanced healing arts to dedicated colleagues and students.

    Through precept, lecture, and example, I will assist and encourage others to strengthen their health, reduce risks for disease, and preserve the health of our planet for ourselves, our families, and future generations.

    According to my best ability and judgment, I will use methods of treatment which follow the principles of Naturopathic medicine: First of all, to do no harm.

    To act in cooperation with the Healing Power of Nature.

    To address the fundamental causes of disease.

    To heal the whole person through individualized treatment.

    To teach the principles of healthy living and preventive medicine.

    I will conduct my life and the practice of Naturopathic health care with vigilance, integrity, and freedom from prejudice.

    I will abstain from voluntary acts of injustice and corruption.

    I will keep confidential whatever I am privileged to witness, whether professionally or privately, that should not be divulged.

    With my whole heart, before this gathering of witnesses, as a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, I pledge to remain true to this oath.


Aspire Integrative Medicine is a functional medicine clinic and IV infusion center located in Kaysville, UT. 

Our mission is to strive to find the underlying cause of illness, develop strong, caring relationships with patients and inspire individuals to thrive.

Dr. Allison Brumley is a board-certified Naturopathic Physician and Acupuncturist. She opened Aspire in 2016 after attending medical school at the National University of Naturopathic Medicine (NUNM). Using a Functional Medicine model, she determines the underlying cause of your illness, whether it is due to nutrient deficiencies, hormones, anemia, blood sugar irregularities, genetics, lifestyle, prolonged stress, etc. This method has been proven time and time again that when given what it needs, your body is able to heal itself and function well.

Our approach is to treat each patient as a person, not a number. You are not a list of symptoms. With this in mind, we provide individualized treatment for each of our patients. After collecting lab results and determining any imbalances, we call on many different treatments to help your body heal in a natural way. We offer therapies and coaching to keep you on track with your habits and lifestyle. We are here for you every step of the way.  

We offer additional programs and services to anyone seeking alternative care. From IV therapy and detox programs to massage and neurotherapy, we have the technology and practitioners that will aid you in your wellness journey. 

Let’s start your wellness journey.